
new camera, Christmas tree and one cute kid!

We have been in need of a new camera for a while now!  We were given a very nice gift from the people that Will works with.  We figured that everyone is going to want to see pictures of the new baby so we used the gift to purchase a camera.  We got this one, the Kodak M340.  So far it is a great camera!

Well, I was not going to set up a tree until after the baby came, but gave in after Clara and Lindy begging for days about decorating for Christmas.  We did not get all of the regular decorations out of the attic this year because we are going to be crazy enough around here with 4 kids without having to worry about cleaning up a bunch of decorations at the end of Christmas.  I went out and got some ribbon, candy canes, and some red and silver balls to decorate the tree, the girls love it!  So we only had to get out the tree and lights with will make clean up easier.  I know the tree looks a little naked, but if the kids like it, I am happy.  Oh yeah, we only set up half of it.  We are limited on space around here so, we set it up in front of the fireplace (it doesn't work)  and didn't out the back branches!  Sounds weird I know, but we think it looks really nice (I know that in the future when we get a live tree it won't work but for now it is a solution to our lack of space).

And the post would not be complete without a picture of one of my cute kids.  Charlie has a few favorites lately, he likes to put on lots of shirts, in this picture, he has on his pajamas, his new Big Brother shirt and a blur stripped one that he got out of the laundry.  He is also a fan of blankets on the couch (gets that one honestly).  He gets a blanket from the rack and asks me to wrap him in it, he then waits patiently for me to lift him onto the couch.  He also happens to be eating an orange in this picture, another new favorite of his.  We ordered a box of oranges from a friend for a fund raiser and we have them on the porch to keep cool (they would not have fit in the fridge) and every time we go in or out, he gets a "ball" to eat.  Isn't he Cute!


Sara said...

Yay, Christmas cheer and cuddly kids. Can't wait to meet the new one. Our prayers are with you tomorrow.

Katie said...

I think the half Christmas tree is a great idea. And yes, Charlie is so cute, you know I would take him if you would give him to me.