
When's the baby gonna be here?

My Sweet Lindy

Lindy keeps asking me how long until our baby gets here, I tell her all the events between now and then and she still asks me everyday. To help her better understand how long we have, she and I made a paper chain today. We will take off one ring everyday until there is one left and on that day, she will know it's time. (We still have to put 21 more rings on it, but she wanted to take a break after we got 77 done.) She was very excited while making this project and today thinks that the baby is a girl (usually it is a boy for her)

Writing messages on the pieces of the chain

Working on the chain

posing with almost complete hanging chain


Sarah said...

That's a cute idea Kelly! I love it!

About Our Family said...

How precious!!!! You definitely have to save that one for the scrapbook! You should also send the idea into a parenting magazine (or several)!

William Hawkins said...

The chain is so cute.

Papa and Grandma Cox said...

you got a lot done in one day !

Sara said...

I wish I had thought of that when it was close to Virginia's birthday. What a fun project- I'll have to keep it in mind for the next event they are preoccupied with!